Basically, the story will be all three of us (Natalie, Victoria and I) trying to come up with an animatic/story etc for our university project.
Since we are actually experiencing what we are tring to animate, we should, theoretically, be able to make the thing look believable and realisitic.
Plus point, we've decided to exaggerate a few things too, just to humor up the story =D We've also decided to each create our own characters modeled on ourselves.
Will write a more accurate storyline later once all the details have been worked out =) but we've made a start! Woot! ^^
Here's my first attempt at a few character designs. Nothing interesting really, clothes and a close up of their face. Right now, I'm just gather some ideas and sketches of various characters I can have for my animatic. Then later on, I'll pick the best design and use that. =)
My drawing style (as you can see... maybe) was influenced by animes and mangas. For this module, I will be drawing in this style. I did actually want to change it (only for this class) to a more American cartoony style like the Power~Puff Girls (I suppose my style's more like this but not as cute...... =____= ) but I guess I was more comfortable with my originally style.
~ Message from the little elf ~
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